Sunday, July 15, 2012

Random Things

While in Ghana I’ve seen my fair share of random things that haven’t really fit into any of my blog posts. So here’s a list of them
1.     I saw my first albino baby. I was confused as to why this black mother was breast-feeding this white baby. Then we realized that he must be albino.
2.     Mother’s breast-feed everywhere in the complete open from Church to the market.
3.     One little boy at the immunization clinic had on Obama underwear. The Ghanaian’s LOVE Obama. They have Obama everything even a hotel and a college.
4.     Goats, sheep, and chickens roam everywhere.
5.     A Nigerian movie. It was basically a Lifetime movie with lower quality acting. We watched it with Jenifer – one of the older sister’s that lives with us.
6.     Men urinating anywhere and everywhere. With signs that read “Don’t urinate here.”
7.      Water comes in pouches not bottles.
8.     Ghanaian people are very early people. By 5:30 everyone is awake. This is beginning to rub off on me and the other girls. We had the opportunity to sleep-in today and we were all wide-awake by 6:15.
9.     Dogs here are scared of white people. The dog, Peace, that lives with us runs frantically away from everyone except Tyra.
10.   The power gets turned off on purpose during storms. It saves the power company money since less damage occurs. 

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